The Meadows Public School

A vibrant and caring learning community.

Telephone02 9631 3737

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is located in the canteen.

Canteen Hours for uniform sales: Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 8:20 to 9:00am

All children are required to wear full school uniform and a broad brimmed hat or cap.
Children representing the school in sporting or other activities must be in correct school uniform.
All clothing and equipment should be labelled clearly with your child's name.

The School emblem is embroidered on the polo shirts, sloppy joes, jackets and surf hats.
The Meadows is embroidered on the taslon and tailored shorts.
TMPS is embroidered on the baseball caps and beanies.
All shorts, jackets and track pants have sipped pockets and are dark royal blue.

Sizes available: 3 (Polo shirt only) 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and adult sizes.

Paying for uniforms online is an option.

However no uniforms will be given out if you have not paid prior to collection.

And no exchanges will be made if the items you purchase are no longer in their original packaging with tags attached.

Please make sure you -

  • Print out the order form and fill it in, ensuring that your child's name and class is on the top.
  • Total your purchases and pay for your order online using the 'MAKE A PAYMENT' button at the top of the main page of this website.
  • WRITE DOWN YOUR RECEIPT NUMBER at the bottom of the form.




2025 Uniform Order Form