Attendance & Absences
Attendance at school is compulsory
Any absences should be explained with a note signed and dated by the parent. The reason for the absence should be stated. This note must be handed to the child's teacher on return to school.
The school should be telephoned if a child will be absent for more than two days.
Arriving Early to School
The school formally opens at 8:20am each morning when teachers begin playground duty. Children are not to arrive prior to this time as there will be no supervision available.
Late to School
It is important that parents/carers endeavour to get their children to school on time, as the morning learning session focuses on literacy and numeracy skills children need. As rolls are now marked electronically, any child who arrives at school late must report to the office for a late slip that will be then given to the classroom teacher. An Explanation for Lateness Form will be sent home with your child to explain the reason for their late arrival, please complete and return to your class teacher. A Partial absence is then recorded on the class roll.
Home School Liaison Officers work with the school to assist children whose attendance at school is unsatisfactory.
Be in Line on Time at Ten to Nine
Extended Leave and Travel
Please complete this form (click on the link below) if applying for extended leave for your child.
Students travelling overseas must attach copy of the confirmed travel booking - with a return date - to this application.
The application must be completed by the student's parent/carer and returned to the school principal at least three (3) days prior to travel