First Aid and Sick Bay
The Meadows Public School is equipped with a sick bay and we have trained First Aid Officers to handle any accident or sickness that occurs at school. If a child is involved in an accident at school which requires medical attention parents will be notified immediately.
If your child is genuinely not feeling well in the morning before school, please do not send them to school.
Our sick bay is for short stays only. Children who are sent to the sick bay will be kept there for a short time and when they are feeling better they will be sent back to class. If your child is considered to be too ill to stay at school, you will be contacted and asked to come and pick them up.
Staff at The Meadows Public School are permitted to administer prescribed medications only. The Department requires that any child requiring medication at school needs a schedule completed by their Doctor and an indemnity by parents. All student medication must be left at the office. Medication must not be sent to school with children, it must be delivered to the School Office by parents/carers.
Detailed information can be found here on the DoE's website
*** Please collect a form from the School Office if you require your child to have prescribed medication administered at school.
Health Care Plans: Anaphylaxis, Allergies, Asthma etc.
If your child has a health care plan for anaphylaxis, an allergy or asthma please notify the school upon enrolment or once diagnosed. It is important for the school to be kept up to date with all medical issues in case of emergency.