There are some costs associated with going to school that you may find it helpful to plan and budget for.
These include:
school books and equipment
co-curricular activities
To make a CASH or CHEQUE PAYMENT, place the correct money/cheque and permission note in a secure envelope or ziplock plastic bag marked with your child’s name, class and excursion, activity, etc. and give to your child's class teacher at the beginning of the day, or place it in the letterbox in the School Office foyer. NO CHANGE will be given. Cheques should be made payable to The Meadows Public School.
To make an ONLINE PAYMENT, click on “Make a Payment” at the top of this website's front page ( and follow the prompts to pay via Visa, MasterCard or debit card. Ensure that the permission note is completed and returned to your child's class teacher - your child requires your permission to participate in the activity and leave the school grounds if required.
Tips for online payments:
- Ensure all fields with an asterisk (*) are completed,
- You can pay for siblings on the same payment - you can add more than one name in the 'Given Name' field and more than one class in the 'Class or Year' field. And just use one child's 'Date of Birth'.
In the 'Payment Items' section you can add mulitple payments - just click on 'Add Another Payment' before clicking on 'Next Section'
Copies of permission notes can be found in the School Office Foyer.
Financial Assistance
If you are unable to pay any school costs because of financial hardship, you may be eligible for assistance from the school.
Our principal will ensure no student or family suffers any discrimination or embarrassment over the inability to pay school costs.
Financial assistance is available to ensure that all children can participate fully in all school activities. Requests for assistance can be made in confidence by completing an Application for Financial Assistance form which can be collected from the Office.